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Shipping Methods and Carriers: Clearly state the available shipping methods and the carriers used for each method (e.g., Local Carriers or company employess). This could include standard shipping, expedited shipping, and overnight shipping options.

Shipping Zones: Define the geographic areas where the website offers shipping services. This could include Local In Utter Pradesh (UP) shipping zones, with specific details about which regions are serviced.

Shipping Costs: Explain how shipping costs are calculated. This might include flat-rate shipping fees, shipping fees based on order value or weight, or free shipping options for orders over a certain amount.

Delivery Timeframes: We can provide a Delivery in 2-3hours of timeframes

Order Processing Time: Specify the time it takes for orders to be processed and dispatched from the warehouse. This could vary depending on factors such as order volume and product availability.

Tracking Information: Detail how customers can track their orders, whether through email notifications, tracking numbers provided on the website, or links to Manage Orders page. Providing real-time tracking enhances the customer experience and reduces inquiries about order status.

International Shipping: We Dont offer International shipping.

Returns and Exchanges: We are not offering the Return and Exchange process because what we are providing is food related prodcuts (Bekery products).

Customer Support: Reach us on any query : +91 86865 28252 or email us :

Holiday Shipping: During peak seasons or holidays, the delivert frams will be changes based on the high orders.